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Love Me (2024) 720p.x265 Full M饾殬vie 饾櫝饾殬饾殸饾殫饾殨饾殬饾殜饾殟 Sling

Love Me (2024) torrent
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In a story spanning billions of years, a buoy and a satellite meet online long after humanity has disappeared. As they learn what life was like on Earth, they discover themselves and what it means to be alive and in love. In this groundbreaking debut from directors Sam and Andy Zucchero, Love Me explores contemporary themes of technology and identity, despite its simple, emotionally resonant story of transformation. Excitingly utilizing live-action filmmaking techniques, hands-on animatronics, classic animation and game engines, and anchored by captivating performances from Stewart and Yun, Love Me culminates in the longest love story ever told.

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